Grizzled GnomesGrizzled Gnomes in my flower bed - June 23/23
Garden ChefEvery kitchen requires a Chef.
This one was employed in the flower garden.
July 16, 2023
Iron Chef - 4A variation on the Garden Chef - Version 4. Will probably be doing a few more alterations to this series.
Iron Chef - 5A variation on the Garden Chef - Version 5. Will probably be doing a few more alterations to this series.
Pretty in PinkPretty in Pink - June 18/23
This end upSame flower as the previous image 'Pretty in Pink' 2 days later.
All of the petals have fallen off and rain has washed it.
GreetersMay 29 2022 - Salmon Arm BC 'Waterfront Greeters'
Spring Heart Throb 2022March 06 2022 - Spring HeartThrob. Rimer Road Vernon BC
Thoughtful Brain matterApril 24, 2021. Spring had sprung and the plants started to rise. This was hoped to be a tasty muffin later in the summer, but never happened.
Originally called it 'Thoughtful Brain Matter'.
Sasquatch in plain siteMay 2021 - Sasquatch in plain sight. Found this guy trying to hide in plain site when I was looking for some birds.
Humbug 2021December 2021 - Happy BahHumBug to one and all!
Chicha 2021December 02 2021. Chicha - original image from Ecuador when I went to Galapagos and Machu Pichu
Chicha2 2021December 02 2021. Chicha2 - Edited eyes as per Pat's request - original image from Ecuador when I went to Galapagos and Machu Pichu
Milkweed PortraitI was up at ABNC with Alex for one of the Raptors shows and as we were looking around after the show I saw this Milkweed plant. A couple of shots and it has almost turned into a series with mirrors. This is the base image for all that came after.
Fritz Lang HomageMilkweed Maiden - Fritz Lang Homage - 2018